Many in our area with Zoysia lawns are suffering. Unless you have a budget to paint your lawn, or you have been irrigating at a low rate; chances are you are dealing with either Brown Path or Dollar Spot.
As a company that trend-sets in our area, we have noticed that as our Zoysia lawns have looked great the past few winters and now; others have not. The customers have realized that also – and so has the competition.
Every winter we pick up more and more Zoysia accounts based on the way our current customers’ Zoysia is holding up. The competition is on to us – and now its a race. They are up-charging to paint your grass green. That’s right, they messed up by irrigating your grass more than they should have, they don’t think ahead to apply quality fungicides and because of that they are charging you to paint your grass. I’ve even seen companies up-charging for fungicides! It’s a win-win for them.
We have had a different philosophy – and it shows with our Zoysia during the winter – Fertilize early, keep a keen eye on the irrigation during the cold fronts, and invest in effective methods of PRO-ACTIVE resolution of fungus.
Many companies – especially all-in-one companies – have no incentive to invest in your grass. The fertilize late because the grass doesn’t grow when its cold, they cause the fungus, then they want to up-charge you to paint your grass because it looks so bad. What are you to do? You just want it to look good without the headache.
We are headache free, proactive, and have been perfecting Zoysia in our area for years. Matter of fact, we were consulted to write the specs for sod farms on how to grow Zoysia!
Don’t waste anymore time, money or headaches with the up-chargeaholics. Get a free online estimate today.